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Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Catfish Farming-Administration and Production of Catfish Fries.

Production of catfish has progressively augmented overtime as the recognition of catfish continues to grow.

You capability to effectively produce catfish as a big business is very dependent on the ready availability of catfish fingerlings with which to stock your fish invention pond

One of the invention methods used by big commercial fish farmers to produce catfish fingerlings is the pond spawning egg transport spawning method.

This includes a spawning phase where a carefully selected number of brood stock are allowed to spawn in a near natural surroundings and a hatchery phase, then the eggs are then collected and transferred to a hatchery facility with the best environment for egg growth and fry growth.

This process involves skillful supervision and a fairly high initial investment but offers one of the most cost successful means of producing high number of catfish fingerlings.

I have added a video clip to help explain the process involved in production of catfish fingerlings.

It will also help you to discover how to carefully select brood stock catfish to stock on your catfish farm and also teach you how to take care of your catfish brood fish until the fingerlings are ready for stocking into your grow out ponds.

Video: channel Catfish Spawning and hatchery Management

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